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Cannes Film Festival... Here I come!

Hello and welcome to my first ever blog entry. I’m sure you have plenty of other better things to do than to read my little post of the moment but thanks for stopping by.

Oh.. you are still here… In that case let me begin.

At this current moment I am bubbling with excitement on what the next 17 days will bring. Tomorrow morning I set off for my first ever Eurotrip to London, Nice, Cannes, and then finally Monaco. And best of all I get to do it with my two very talented best friends Luca Spensieri and Oscar Lyons who’s films also made the cut. But let me back things up for a second and explain how this all came to be.

Just a few short weeks ago I was informed that my little student horror short film Open House had made the cut into Cannes Short Film Corner. I am utterly blown away by how well this film has done and what it has done for my career. After making its run in the festival circuit and winning a few awards along the way, now it is making its debut across the pond.

Not only that but since its completion it has been adapted into a feature film which I wrote, directed, and edited. The feature, entitled The Remains is set for release at the end of the year and I cannot wait to share it with the world.

Just a few short days ago Open House was picked up by Shorts International HD and will be making its way into your home this July on both AT&T Uverse and DirectTV. Soon my film will get to horrify you (hopefully) in the comfort of your own home. [Insert evil laugh here]

Ok, now enough with the shameless plugs.

As I sit here in my darkened room at 1AM obsessing over what I forgot to pack, I can’t help but take a moment to thank everyone who has helped me get to this point. Family, friends, producers, actors, crew… without all of your hard work and support none of this would have happened. So with a capital T... THANK YOU!

In a few short hours I will be stuck on a plane for 11 hours and that horrifies me more than anything I can conjure up on screen. What on Earth or should I say 40,000 feet up in the air will I do that whole time? Hopefully sleep, but probably not.


Anyhow, I’ve made very sure to fill my iPad up with a ton of research films I’ve been meaning to watch. I also plan to watch The Remains for the 10,000th time because I just got the new score from my awesome composer. It’s time to write up notes and critiques to get the score finalized. Amongst other things, I have some finishing touches to put on the official poster for the film which I am excited to complete. Maybe I’ll even get a hint of inspiration and possibly get some writing done on one of my projects in development… Nightshade.


Since posting an image of the title page a few days ago many people have asked what the film is about. Well, that I can’t tell you just yet. But, I will say this it has to do with witchcraft.

Wow… this is turning out to be the most productive plane ride ever… or the most productive 11 hours ever. In all honestly I’ll probably just end up sitting there in that tiny economy seat that is not meant for someone who is 6ft 5in… with sweaty palms… probably with a baby crying in my ear… just hoping to land in London already.

Ahh yes… London. The first stop of my trip. I envision myself jumping in a black cab and asking the driver… “Excuse me good sir, would you please drop me off at Mrs. Lovett’s Meat Emporium?” But, sadly that does not exist so Holiday Inn or wherever the hell I’m staying will do just fine.

I’m excited to see what London has to offer as I have dreamed of going there for quite some time.


In the words of good old Sweeney Todd…

“There’s no place like London.”

Europe… here I come!


Side note: For anyone who is interested… I will be posting photo/video/rambling to this Blog every few days during the trip. Not only that, but I will also attempt to film most of the experience via GoPro and 7D. So, be on the look out in a few weeks for a little video.


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